TO MENU

        As we head into the summer season in Monterey County many of you will camp, hike and travel to see some amazing views. This year there is a huge influx of ticks. Here’s how to steer clear of these little guys and avoid the agony will I get (or do I have Lyme.


        1. Avoid heavy brush areas.
        2. Don’t trail blaze; stay on the path.
        3. Basic body check every 15 min while hiking
        4. Make sure your animals have the correct repellent on.
        5. Check your animals as soon as you return home and as often as possible.
        6. Remove all clothing when you get home and wash.
        7. The naked body check; don’t forget along the hairline, armpits, and behind the ears.


        If you have been bitten by a tick and have any questions regarding it please don’t hesitate to call the office and make appointment today.



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